Science Marketing 2.0:  A New Era, a New Toolbox
Science marketing is in a state of continuous flux - it's changed from 20 years ago; it's even changed from yesterday. In this white paper and report, we look at the evolution from the ways of the fax machine to modern tech, and cover our top three areas of science marketing that you and your company should master today: content marketing, social media, and data analytics.
Download this free report, Science Marketing 2.0, by completing the form below.
Backed by the American Chemical Society, its 156,000+ engaged members, and over 27 million researchers of our scientific journals audience, C&EN Media Group provides advertising opportunities targeted to our large, powerful audience. We also run the C&EN Marketing Elements blog, designed specifically for the science marketer. We invite you to join the conversation, read up on best practices and tips from content marketing to integrated campaign tactics, and share your experiences with us. Get started by downloading our white paper today.