C&EN Reports
Digitizing Data: A Report of Current Challenges

Brought to you by MilliporeSigma

Laboratories today generate more information than ever before. Nearly all instruments output information digitally, giving researchers the opportunity to quickly analyze and interpret their results. C&EN surveyed readers on behalf of MilliporeSigma to learn how professionals manage and utilize lab data. The survey reveals that the promise of the big data era threatens to be hampered by siloed information, incompatible formats, and limited accessibility. These issues highlight the need for digital laboratory data systems that are versatile enough to incorporate information from disparate sources, allow users across an organization access to that information, and that use universal standards.

Key Objectives:
  • Laboratories today generate more information than ever, necessitating a move toward efficient data management solutions.
  • To achieve the promise of big data, researchers must overcome siloed information, incompatible formats, and limited accessibility.
  • Almost all researchers say finding data when necessary is important, yet very few store data exclusively in the cloud.

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