C&EN Webinars

Analysis of Trace Impurities in Hydrogen by Gas Chromatography

November 10, 2022
10:00 a.m. PST, 1:00 p.m. EST, 18:00 GMT, 19:00 CET
Duration: 60 Minutes


Hydrogen (H2) is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. Since, it only occurs naturally on Earth when combined with other elements it must be produced from other sources. It can be produced without a carbon footprint from variety of sources, including natural gas, coal, biomass, waste materials, or by splitting water molecules. Hydrogen fuel consumption is not currently widespread, but there has been a growing interest in its use as a potential energy source across the economy. As hydrogen is increasingly adopted, strict requirements have been imposed to limit pollution from any impurities in the gas. Specifications for the purity of hydrogen used in other applications are also becoming more stringent. Hydrogen is used in the manufacturing and processing of large-scale integrated circuits (ICs), smelting and processing of high-purity metals, development and production of liquid hydrogen and its derivative products. In this presentation we will discuss Agilent’s current gas chromatography solutions to analyzing trace level impurities in hydrogen.

In this webinar we will discuss the gas chromatography and how it is used to analyze trace impurities in hydrogen gas. We will review what impurities are important to hydrogen analysis and we will discuss the different techniques used to accomplish these analyses. We will cover basic chromatography concepts along with specialized detectors such as PDHID, FID, TCD, MSD, SCD, and NCD.

Key Learning Objectives:
  • Learn why hydrogen analysis is important.
  • Learn which impurities are important in hydrogen analysis.
  • Learn techniques necessary to analyze these impurities.
Who Should Attend:
  • Laboratory managers
  • Chromatographers
  • New product developers

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Shannon Coleman
GC Application Scientist,
Agilent Technologies
Catherine Dold
Health & Environment Writer,
C&EN Media Group


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