In this webinar we’ll see how implementing automation solutions can benefit analytical labs and empower life science researchers with the tools to significantly improve their experiments, obtaining superior data and more reliable outcomes. Join us to learn more about how automation and the connected lab have been utilized to improve analytical method development workflows of scientific researchers.
Method development is a critical, often time consuming, process for analytical laboratories. Imagine being able to create robust and precise analytical methods more quickly by streamlining the optimization process. Through laboratory automation, researchers can rapidly test and refine multiple method parameters simultaneously. Automated equipment performs the tedious and repetitive tasks, and thereby reduces potential errors and variability. Connected with regulatory compliant-ready software, technology transforms laborious manual procedures to error-free, robotic workflows with improved reproducibility and productivity in a fully traceable environment.
Key Learning Objectives:
- Learn how automation can add efficiency to your method development processes
- Discover the benefits of automating tedious, repetitive tasks
- Be introduced to an ecosystem of connected laboratory automation solutions
Who Should Attend:
- Method Development Scientists
- Researchers
- Automation Engineers
- Laboratory Managers & Directors
- Lab Technicians and Technologists
- Project Managers
- Companies/Labs/Organizations Involved in Testing and Analysis