Challenges and opportunities in Peptide Drug Conjugates (PDCs)

December 14, 2022
8:00 a.m. PST, 11:00 a.m. EST, 16:00 GMT, 17:00 CET - Duration: 60 Minutes


PDCs have gained extensive attention as they are being proven successful in treating cancers recently with their superior target-specific delivery. PDCs combine peptides and linker-toxins, their development and manufacturing require comprehensive synthetic chemistry, process development, analytical method development, and manufacturing capabilities for both highly potent small molecules and peptides, which often bring technical challenges, especially during scale-up. Here we discuss how we overcome challenges and demonstrate opportunities through case studies. 

Key Learning Objectives:
  • The key role of peptides in targeted drug delivery
  • The design strategy of PDCs
  • Challenges and solutions in PDC development and manufacturing
  • One-stop PDC platform at WuXi STA from discovery to GMP manufacture
Who Should Attend:
  • Biotechnology Innovators
  • Oncologist
  • Pharmaceutical & Fine Chemists
  • Peptide Researchers
  • Drug Manufacturer

Brought to you by:
WuXi AppTec


Yonghui Ge, Ph.D.,
Executive Director, Process R&D,
WuXi STA, a WuXi AppTec Company
Hui Liao, Ph.D.,
Director of Peptide Discovery Group,
WuXi STA, a WuXi AppTec Company
Kelly McSweeney,
Contributing Editor,
C&EN Media Group


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