ACS Bio & Med Chem Au: an open access journal from ACS
ACS Engineering Au Call for Papers
Special Issue: Sustainable Energy and Decarbonization

Aims & Scope

Chemical Engineers are collaborating with researchers across the chemical sciences to address the climate crisis, through finding sustainable energy solutions and developing energy sources that could decrease our annual greenhouse gas emissions.To highlight cutting edge research toward these most pressing challenges, ACS Engineering Au is launching a virtual special issue on Sustainable Energy and Decarbonisation.

This virtual special issue, edited by Vivek Ranade (University of Limerick, Ireland, Deputy Editor, ACS Engineering Au), Rajnish Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India), and Matteo Maestri (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), will feature ground-breaking engineering research addressing the issues of sustainable energy production and storage, as well as decarbonisation.

We invite contributions of Articles, Letters, Reviews or Perspectives on all topics relating to sustainable energy and decarbonisation, including (but not limited to):

  • Decarbonization through CO2 capture, utilization and sequestration

  • Decarbonization through hydrogen economy and electrification, including hydrogen carriers and energy material nexus

  • Transitional pathways to renewable energy future

  • Energy efficiency, economics and climate finance policies
We welcome submissions through 30 September 2023. All articles will be subject to initial assessment and thorough peer review, which will be handled by a Deputy or Associate Editor for the journal, to ensure they fit the scope of the virtual special issue and meet the high scientific publishing standards of ACS Engineering Au. If your paper is accepted for inclusion in this special issue, your work will be highlighted as a significant contribution to this growing field of exploration. As ACS Engineering Au is a fully open access journal, your paper will be available to anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world.

Accepted publications will go online as soon as possible after acceptance and be published in the next available issue. In late 2023, publications on this topic will be gathered into a virtual special issue on a dedicated webpage, and be promoted as a collection of special interest.

The editors welcome interested authors to submit pre-submission enquiries to Prof. Ranade to ensure the suitability of the work prior to submission. 

Article Processing Charges apply for publication in this fully open access journal. The base APC is $2000 with a CC BY-NC-ND license. Please see our website for more information on Open Access Pricing, our ACS Country Discount & Waiver Policy, and ACS Read + Publish agreements.
How to submit
To submit for this special issue:

  • log in to the ACS Paragon Plus submission site
  • choose ACS Engineering Au as your journal
  • select your manuscript type
  • under the ‘Special Issue Selection’, choose ‘Sustainable Energy and Decarbonisation'.

Please see our Author Guidelines for more information on submission requirements.The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2023.
About the Editors
Vivek Ranade is the Bernal Chair Professor of Process Engineering at the Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, and a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Queen's University Belfast. Vivek is the Deputy Editor of ACS Engineering Au, and his group’s research focusses on process intensification, chemical reactor engineering, scale-up, multiphase flows, industrial flow modelling, computational fluid dynamics, digital twins, and machine learning, with applications in sustainable energy, water, and fine and speciality chemicals.
Rajnish Kumar is a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology - Madras. He sits on the Editorial Advisory Board for ACS Engineering Au. Prof. Kumar’s group researches unconventional energy resources including natural gas hydrates, carbon dioxide capture and sequestration.
Matteo Maestri is a professor at Politecnico di Milano, in the Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes of the Department of Energy – Division of Chemical Engineering and Technology. He sits on the Editorial Advisory Board for ACS Engineering Au. His group’s research focusses on first principles multiscale analysis of catalytic processes, microkinetic modeling and analysis, computational fluid dynamics of reacting flows, as well as operando kinetic studies in catalysis.

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