C&EN White Paper
Exploring deep chemical space: A new frontier for catalysts
Brought to you by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Synthetic chemists rely heavily on a small number of transformation types when planning synthetic routes. The knock-on effect is that they have only explored a few pockets of chemical space. New catalytic innovations will enable them to search further than ever before.

These catalysts may lead to areas of chemical space populated with molecules that can be used as universal cures for cancer, ones that can stop a pandemic in its tracks, or a high-performance polymer that somehow knows to decompose immediately after use.

Key Objectives:
  • Synthetic chemists are creatures of habit that rely heavily on a handful of reaction types including amide bond formations and carbon-carbon bond formations.
  • Chemical space is estimated to contain more stable molecules with drug-like properties than there are in the solar system. So far, only just over 110 million have been synthesized and they are bunched together in just a few regions of chemical space.
  • New catalytic innovations will enable chemists to search further into chemical space than ever before for molecules with useful properties.
  • The catalytic potential of bismuth, nickel and iron are currently under the microscope.

Brought to you by:
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Exploring deep chemical space: A new frontier for catalysts
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