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Overcoming Challenges of Conventional Immunoassays in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing with a qPCR-Based Approach

Brought to you by Thermo Fisher Scientific


The demand for cleaner, higher-purity biopharmaceuticals is pushing the frontiers of residual protein detection methods. New applications of antibody-based methods and qPCR rise to meet the challenge. ProteinSEQ, a powerful assay method, delivers dependable results and minimal background noise within a vast detection range.     

Key Learning Objective

  • New methods of residual protein detection
  • Host Cell Proteins (HCPs) and their relevance to biopharmaceutical processing
  • Proximity ligation assay using oligonucleotide probes

Brought to you by: 
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Overcoming Challenges of Conventional Immunoassays in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing with a qPCR-Based Approach

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