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  • Expert Editors-in-Chief and their team of editors handling your manuscript, all of whom are active, practicing researchers in the field.
  • A rigorous peer review process, ensuring the thorough evaluation of manuscripts.
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  • Wide readership of your work – readers downloaded ACS full-text articles over 346 million times in 2024.
  • A range of flexible choices to publish open access, through any of our journals, including our fully open access publications.
  • Discoverability through world-leading abstracting and indexing services, including Web of Science™, Scopus, CAS, EBSCOhost and PubMed.

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ACS publishes chemistry-related journals that bridge the physical and life sciences and connect the basic sciences with applied disciplines such as medicine and engineering.

Explore our full portfolio and find the right journal for your research.

Journal of the American Chemical Society 

ACS Omega

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

The Journal of Physical Chemistry  C 

The Journal of Organic Chemistry

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Agricultural & Food Chemistry

Our portfolio encompasses all areas of food and agricultural research, serving as the premier source for researchers across all sectors.

Biological Chemistry

ACS Publications publishes almost 20 journals spanning biological chemistry, chemical biology, and related fields. 

Environmental Science & Sustainability

Our environmental and sustainability portfolio spans a wide variety of subjects, from green chemistry to environmental technologies, air quality, water research and more.

Materials Science

Explore our extensive portfolio of journals spanning materials science, nanoscience, nanotechnology and related fields.

Organic & Inorganic Chemistry

Our organic and inorganic chemistry portfolio encompasses a wide spectrum of subjects, ranging from the core principles of organic and inorganic chemistry to specialized fields.

Physical Chemistry

Discover journals in physical chemistry and chemical physics, including specialized fields such as catalysis, energy, quantum chemistry, theoretical and computational chemistry.

ACS Au Journals

Submitting your work to one of the fully open access ACS Au journals means your research will have extra potential for influence. Spanning all of chemistry with a multidisciplinary scope, there’s JACS Au, with a further nine open access journals, each with a focus on a different area of chemistry.


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“For submission ACS always reviewed any research work thoroughly and genuinely. I like the way the editors and reviewers work with each article so that the article can be completely free from any errors.”
Postdoctoral Scientist, Materials Chemistry, India
“It guarantees a wide readership, and the handling of manuscripts is very efficient.”
Professor, Physical Chemistry, Germany

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